Rehabilitation depends on how he progresses with each stage.

There are different goals and one day after the injury is no magic number that ends in rehabilitation. He just needs to progress at each stage. Initially, it will be easy and enjoyable. Then it will start running and if he copes with it, it will run faster, and it will start doing the work force. We know that in a few weeks to wait..

Clark had problems with his left hamstring in the past few months, but it was his right, forcing him off in Adelaide. Kountouris said the operation was decided to reduce the risk of injury back in the future.

Speaking to the surgeon, everything went very well. He found what he expected to see, and there were no surprises. He managed to make a good repair, and it sure Michael is going to make a good recovery. It will heal, and this will minimize the risk of repetition, and this goal.

Immediately after suffering injuries, Clark admitted that he might have played for Australia in the last time, and he may need to consider his future in cricket. However, the decision about the operation was a clear indication that he retained a desire to return and play for Australia again.


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