Growth Modi government has pushed to right activists openly declare India Hindu nation that poses a problem for a multi her constitutional obligations. Around a fifth of India 1270000000 people identify themselves as belonging to other faiths than Hinduism.
Jyoti Niranjan, Council of Ministers Modi said non-Indians "bastards" at the campaign rally and the other party's deputy said the man who killed freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi was patriot.Even right wing Hindu group Dharam Jagran Summit, canceled planned mass conversion within Aligarh December 25 said it only stopped his campaign to Muslims and Christians back into his bosom.
Rashtriya Sangh svayamsevak (RSS), a Hindu right-wing group called the plan thousands of Muslims converting to Hinduism this Christmas, which has threatened to mix fresh religious hatred after the intervention of Modi.
But opposition politicians continued to disrupt parliament on Wednesday, saying that they were not sure of the ruling group gave a partisan agenda.
"The Prime Minister said that we should not deviate from our agenda of economic reform and development," said Yogi Adityanath, a Hindu priest who became deputy that was launched Hindu reconversion campaign sensitive issue.
Modi, who was elected in May with a mandate to provide jobs and economic growth, have seen a standstill its reform program inflammatory statements members of his Hindu nationalist party. With weeks left before the end of the session of Parliament, he risks to the end of the year without passing one big election reform.His hope that the right-wing leader will be based on economic transformation that began in 1990. Instead, efforts to overhaul the tax system and lifting caps on foreign investment were disrupted deadlock between the government and opposition parties.
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