9. Page replacement policy

This deals with the selection of a page in memory to be replaced when a new page must be brought in. one of the restrictions here is the frame locking. Some of the frames in main memory may be locked. When a frame is locke, the page currently stored in the frame may not be replace. The key control structures, the kernel of the operating syste,. Buffers and other time critical areas may be locked into main memory frames. Locking is achieved by associating a lock bit with each frame.

8. Variable allocation, global scope

Here, at any given time, there are a number of processes in main memory, each with a certain number of frames allocated to it. The operating system also maintains a list of free frames when a page fault occurs. A free frame is added to the resident set of a process and a page is brought in so a process xperiencing page dfaults gradually grows in size and this helps to reduce overall page faults in the system.

7. Fixed allocation, local scope

The amount of allocation to give to a process must be decided ahead of time and when page fault occurs, the operating system must choose which page from among the currently resident pages for this process is to be replaced.

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